Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Video: 3D terrain exploration

Here is a video demonstrating the 3D terrain as presented in v0.06a:

It is by no means complete.

What I am still investigating, is a method to display the various heights so that black areas (heights higher or lower than 3 levels from the player) of the various regions are accounted for too.

Also, I will introduce roads, rivers, structures and flora properly in the next week or two.

Once the terrain is generating nicely, I will move onto the AI in the game, and that brings with it things such as emergent combat behaviour for monsters and enemies, AIML for the NPCs and complex FOV and LOS strategies.

As it is now, the game looks boring and doesnt do much. But if you take the time to follow the dev progress over the next month or two, you will see it become something worth your time playing, and hopefully enjoy it too.

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